Reading Narrative and Descriptive Essay
Two common methods used to write reflective essays are narration and description. Narration focuses on events and actions and is organized using the time order pattern. Description uses details and sensory images to create an impression.
Reading Narrative Essays
Narrative articles and essays relate a sequence of events, often in the form of a story. A narrative goes beyond an ordering or listing of events to make a point, communicatr an attitude or feeling, or explain an idea. If you write an essay describing an important event or telling how someone influenced your life, you use the narrative form.
Reading Narrative Essays
Narrative articles and essays relate a sequence of events, often in the form of a story. A narrative goes beyond an ordering or listing of events to make a point, communicatr an attitude or feeling, or explain an idea. If you write an essay describing an important event or telling how someone influenced your life, you use the narrative form.
There are some steps when reading narratives:
1. Establish the setting by determining when and where the events are taking place.
2. Notice how the story is told and who is telling it.
3. Look beyond the specific events to their overall meaning. Ask yourself why the writer is telling the story.
4. Watch for the writer's commentary as he or she tells the story. This commentary provides clues about the author's overall message or purpose for writing.
Reading Descriptive Essays
Descriptive articles and essays present ideas by providing extensive detais about the characteristics of people, events, or places. Usually, the descriptions are provided to help the writer accomplish a spesific purpose. It is often used in advertising.
In reading descriptive writing, be sure to follow these steps:
1. Identify the subject of the essay.
2. Pay close attention to the writer's choice of words.
3. Establish the overall impresion the writer is trying to create.
4. Pay particular attention to the first and last paragraphs. They will probably provide the most clues about the writer's main points and purpose for writing.
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